Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tear Down This Wall!

This November 9th marked the 21st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall!

What an extraordinary day. I truly believe that it was a miracle. This story of freedom still stirs my heart and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it or watch videos like the one below. (Which my friend, Jen, used on her blog. So thank you, Jen!)

By a chunk of the Berlin Wall at the Duxford Airfield

I am so grateful for freedom.


  1. it's easy! you can do it. When you go on YouTube, underneath the video is a button called "embed" highlight all the text the shows up, copy it. Then when you get to blogger and your post click "edit HTML" instead of compose, and paste the information.
    Ta-da! :) Try it...if you're still confused, call me.
