Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sketches of Princeton [first]

the first week of classes
is a whirl. 
at first i thought, 
"i've got this." 
and then 
the second day hit
with the force of a freight train. 
i don't got this. 
at least not right now. 
but i will. 

there's a lot of reading. 
thousands of pages of it. 
there's also a lot of thinking. 
my brain feels overloaded. 
but then. 
there is in the very air here
and knowledge
and a wisdom 
that the world spins on 
and there is blue sky 
and that there are places for me to be 
and sit 
and breathe.
and that i will make this place a home. 

the other day
i saw a dad 
place his daughter in a shopping cart
(that's used to move things into 
the apartments here) 
and she squealed with joy. 
real things. 
beyond books. 
i like being reminded of reality. 
i find it in the curve of the river
and the stillness of the morning
and in how bugs buzz here
and birds chirp
and everything is a bit louder
and warmer
and muggier
than back home. 
those are real things, too. 

i think it's normal to feel overwhelmed here. 
overwhelmed by the amount to do 
but also overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and magnitude of this place
and of the people here. 
i don't just mean their brilliance and accolades 
(although that can be overwhelming, too)
but just that i've been overwhelmed by kindness
with hugs 
and greetings
and people offering to help me scan books upon books 
and deep discussions 
and invitations to dinner 
and lunch
and understandings that no one really knows 
what's going on. 

i haven't figured it out yet. 
but i will. 
i will. 
i will.