Monday, November 17, 2014

You can't always see when you're right

This semester. Oh, this semester. It's been a tough one. Just really busy, with no time to breathe. A semester that is in-between. Neither here-nor-there. Where I'm moving forward and hoping and praying that dreams come true. But without knowing if they will. Or if they will turn out quite in the way I'm expecting. 

After a while, it starts to wear on a soul. 

But there are the glimpses. The glimpses of glory. And the reminders of how far I have already come. 

And a realization that things seem to work out the way they're supposed to, even if a few of my perfectly-constructed popsicle stick dream homes are destroyed in the process of reality. Because I didn't really want them, did I? When it comes down to it, they are not what I truly want. 

Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true. 

When will you realize . . . Vienna waits for you? 

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