Friday, March 6, 2020

an early spring.

Spring is here and i think it's here to stay, complete with an ~almost~ 70-degree day forecasted for next Monday. It's too early, I know. But still, I'm enjoying going outside more. It's nice to be able to take a walk when I am going stir-crazy from reading too much rather than just do two dozen jumping jacks or something. 

[snowdrops in the woods.]

And hopefully we can all keep going outside during these next few weeks. It's impossible to know what will happen with the spread of Covid-19. Today at Costco the shopping carts were full of thought-to-be-essentials. The cashier was laughing at us all, and he didn't even give me a chance to ask why. He just started explaining that it all reminded him of some zombie movie. Like we were all preparing for the apocalypse. 

But if a quarantine were to happen, perhaps that would mean I would get more reading and writing done. I'm getting to a point in this stage of my PhD program/dissertation research when I am asking myself, "But when do I start writing?" It feels like I have too much to know still before I actually put something down, but I know intellectually and intuitively that's the wrong way to think about it. I'll just have to make the leap and start writing. 

[crocus by the street lamp.]

Although, to be honest, if a quarantine were to happen, it would most likely mean that I would just start watching more videos. I re-discovered that I have access to Kanopy via Princeton, which means I have access to thousands of movies and documentaries. I also found out that they have "Middlemarch" on Amazon Prime. This is great for my Friday nights. Not so great for my thesis. 

And since it is one of those Friday nights when my heart and head are tired, I think that calls for the first hour of BBC's "Middlemarch." So if you'll excuse me, I think I'll settle in for the night and begin the saga. 

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay strong. 

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