Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What I see, what I hear, what I feel

what i see from my seat right now: 

-multi-colored flashcards on the floor with names, dates, and events
-books upon books about u.s. history 
-coats, shoes, half of our kitchen, a saudi rug gifted to us a year ago. 

what i hear: 

-sam washing dishes, the water running
-the soft click-click of my keyboard

what i smell: 

-dish soap from said-dishes-washing
-the new lotion i use for my hands

what i taste(d): 

-yummy farro salad that sam and i made tonight from the ever-delicious recipes from the smitten kitchen blog. 
-what i will taste later tonight--probably peanut butter chocolate ice cream. 

what i feel: 

-content that spring is springing
-nervous about upcoming assignments and tests
-exhausted from reading so much
-hope that i'll make it through
-happy that sam is home. 

[not what i see right now, but what i saw today.]

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