Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Random happenings, random sightings

I feel like I would be doing the world (or, more like, my ego) a disservice if I didn't share my first real celebrity sighting. Like, a celebrity that people outside of the Latter-day Saint world would know. Working in the Church Office Building meant that I saw and worked with a lot of Latter-day Saint celebrities on a weekly if not daily basis. But when playing the, "which celebrity have you run into?" game with non-Latter-day Saints, they don't really get the importance of having eaten lunch with Elder Holland. 

And, to be fair, I think Sam actually gets more of the "wow, so cool!" factor than I do with this story, for reasons I will explain below, but hey. I am counting it as a win for me, too. 

About a month ago, Sam and I were at a James Blake concert for his birthday. We got there a bit late, so we ended up standing by the sound booth. About halfway through the concert, a woman walked past us to get into the sound booth, and I turned and recognized that the woman was Jameela Jamil, who is currently dating James Blake. (If you don't know who Jameela Jamil is, she plays Tahani on "The Good Place" and is also an feminist activist.) 

I tapped Sam on the shoulder and said, "Look who it is." 

So we both awkwardly looked over at her from time to time, trying not to act too weird/obvious that we knew who she was, when she obviously just wanted to groove to her boyfriend's music. 

Eventually, she left the sound booth, tapped Sam on the shoulder and said, "Sorry, love," to ask him to make some room for her to leave the sound booth and get to wherever she was going. 

That was probably my favorite part of the concert. 

(Not to say that the rest of the concert wasn't good, but that was my favorite part.) 

And honestly, having Jameela Jamil as my first celebrity run-in is not a bad way to start. 

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