Sunday, March 1, 2015

Post-script to my last post

That sounds funny: "post-script to my last post." But that's what it is. Ha.

Sometimes I write poetry. And sometimes it's really bad. Because I've learned that it is hard to write good poetry, and though we all fancy ourselves poets at sometime or another (particularly when we're lovestruck, lovesick, and/or heartbroken), really good poems are few and far between.

So I'm not saying that the poetry I'm posting below is any good. But I do think it goes along perfectly with Eve--because these two poems were inspired by her story.

So. Here they are. Take them for what they're worth.

 Adam and Eve, Brian Kershisnik 

Eve's Song 
I chose this.
The sweat-streaked brow,
the pain-stained heart,
the bruised heel.

I chose this.
The wisdom-grown mind,
the joy-filled soul,
the vict'ry over hell.

Daughter of Eve 
To leave Eden alone
was not my wish--
to face dearth without his hand,
choosing experience without covering.

But I chose to partake.
My choice
to know--
to feel--
to taste--
joy and sorrow
good and evil
love and desertion.

There is power in nakedness.
A stark beauty
in being made wise
as former things are stripped away--
made bare
made holy
made new.

She Will Find, Brian Kershisnik 

1 comment:

  1. i love this.
    i will always love this.
    i love these paintings.
    i love your words.
    i always will.
    i love. you.
