Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A research trip to NYC

I am oh-so-behind on updates, but again, I figure sub-par blogging is better than no blogging at all. (I know that blogs are out and Instagram stories are in, but I still feel sad when a friend's blog I loved no longer exists/has stopped posting altogether. I still want to keep blogging, even if it's not as often as I would like.) 


I wanted to post pictures from my research trip to New York earlier last month (in October). This year has been (to use the over-used and the Oxford English Dictionary's word of 2020), unprecedented. It has also been disappointing, in many ways. For me, the most disappointing thing has been that I haven't been able to travel to and access archives like I was planning to--it definitely delays my dissertation and is overall very stressful. 

So, I am always very grateful when I get opportunities to go to archives,  and very, very grateful when that research is supported by grants. Grants are always much-appreciated, but especially in a time when Princeton is not giving travel funding. 

All this preface is to say, I got a grant for archival research in New York City and was able to go there in early October. Sam came along (because, even though working from home is not as glamourous as we thought in 2019, it still has its perks--especially when Sam can travel with me to my research locations). And we had a nice time. New York is beautiful in the fall, I got some archival research done (and got to go to the museums and libraries where I did the research for free), and we enjoyed some amazing food (pizza, ramen, bagels . . . yum). We also got a chance to visit our friends James and Bailey in Connecticut over a long weekend, and that was definitely a highlight. 

We also made it through the two weeks we were there with zero parking tickets (although we did have to get our car battery jumped--left the lights on--oops). 

[empty subway car in the morning.]

[at the morgan library and museum.]

[some snapshots of nyc.]


[we sat in this deserted park and ate thai food.]

[central park at dusk.]


[tiffany glass exhibit at the new york historical society]

[i remember that my grandmother--my dad's mom--had a beautiful stained-glass lamp similar to this one, and i just loved looking at it when i was ten years old.]

[central park at dusk ii]

[a sam]

[a me.]

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