Sunday, April 12, 2020

All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

This Easter, I have been thinking a lot about how the Resurrection means reunion. Because of physical distancing, lockdowns, and separation from family and friends, I've been thinking a lot about how wonderful it will be to join with people again--to go on long walks in the park with friends, to have people over to dinner parties, to hug and kiss my family members in Utah (and around the country), to go to lunch with classmates, and to just be close to people again. It will be a beautiful day when we can reunite and see each other again without anxiety and fear.

Often, I think about the Resurrection as an individual event--and certainly, Christ did resurrect individually, and all of us will be resurrected individually, and there is something really beautiful about the corporeality and uniqueness of the resurrection happening to every one--but the resurrection is ultimately a communal event focused on reunion. Not only does it mean a reunion with our spirits with our physical bodies, but it means a reunion with those we've loved and lost. It means being able to embrace, hold, weep with, and laugh with those we haven't touched in ages. It means connection--not only spiritually, but physically.

"If Easter faith is worth anything, it claims that love survives. Loves survives, without all of its adornments. The miracle of Easter resurrection, coupled with that vision of Holy Saturday, is that witnesses run to the tombs--not because they know. They run because they refuse to be disconnected."--Shelly Rambo.

Happy Easter. Christ is risen; in truth He is risen. And next year may we be having Easter feasts and rituals with scores of loved ones around us.

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